- Experiential teaching of children's rights at schools

- Promoting social skills at schools

The main idea of our project is that the children's very own experience is necessary to really understand the children's rights, and to be able to retain, internalize and apply them. In addition to imparting knowledge, we want to strengthen the social skills of children in dealing with one another through the exercises and games: communication, tolerance and empathy. Furthermore there are always conflicts and feelings of frustration and disappointment emerging during the exercises, and the children are learning to cope with those situations. This is an important element for their development.

With numerous innovative pedagogical methods we stimulate and foster the children's creativity, fun, and self-confidence. In addition, the exercises provide the children an opportunity to gain positive experiences with movement and at the same time support their cognitive and motor skills.

With our playbox we carry with us all the necessary materials to provide an unforgettable experience.


Toupi Group a.s.b.l.

E-mail : mail@toupi-group.org

Telf: +352 621 468561


Toupi Group a.s.b.l.

"Bildungsorganisation für Kinderrechte, Nachhaltigkeit und globale Entwicklung"

136-138, rue Adolphe Fischer

1931 Luxembourg